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CBN Diamond Woodturning Sharpening Wheel

CBN eller Cubic Bor Nitride slibeskiver er galvaniseret og nikkelbelagt. Galvanisering giver mange fordele i forhold til andre applikationer. Det skaber en mere aggressiv obligation over andre applikationer og holder form længere. Det udfører også en højere lagerfjerningshastighed og vil vare i årevis. De er kun beregnet til slibning af højhastighedsstål og bør ikke bruges til andre applikationer. Disse hjul har en 1,5 "ansigt, så de er nemme at bruge og fungerer godt sammen med Wolverine Sharpening System. 180-kornhjulet giver næsten et spejlfinish på dine kanter og gør dem" skræmmende skarpe. "80-kornhjulet pisker din værktøjer ind i den profil, du ønsker, og du kan endda færdiggøre slibning af dine værktøjer med det samt hæve en burr til dine skrabere. Et unikt træk ved dette hjul er 1/4 "radius på venstre og højre side af hjulet. Radien gør det let at slibe små 1/4 "udhulende bits og runde skrabere. Dette eliminerer problemet med at skulle dreje et værktøj ved håndtaget (i tilfælde af skrabere) og ende med at overskære spidsen. Dette er en meget praktisk funktion, og du kan holde de små bits og ikke brænde fingrene. Du finder ikke et bedre hjul til disse utrolige priser. Money back-garanti.

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Q: How do you use a diamond pad?

A diamond hand pad is a handheld abrasive tool with a flexible surface coated with diamond particles. It is used for grinding, smoothing, and polishing various materials, including stone, concrete, glass, and metal.

Q: How do I choose the right grit size for my project?

Select the grit size based on the initial condition of your workpiece and the desired level of surface finish. Coarse grits are suitable for rough grinding, while finer grits are used for smoothing and polishing.

Q: What safety precautions should I take when using diamond hand pads?

Wear safety goggles, a dust mask, and gloves to protect yourself from dust and debris. Additionally, work in a well-ventilated area or wear a respirator if working with fine dust particles.

Q: How do I maintain and clean my diamond hand pad?

After use, rinse the diamond hand pad with clean water to remove debris and residues. Gently pat it dry or allow it to air dry. Proper maintenance can prolong the pad's lifespan.

Q: What are some common applications for diamond hand pads?

Wear safety goggles, a dust mask, and gloves to protect yourself from dust and debris. Additionally, work in a well-ventilated area or wear a respirator if working with fine dust particles.

Q: What are the common grit sizes for diamond hand pads?

Diamond hand pads come in a range of grit sizes, from coarse (e.g., 50 grit) to fine (e.g., 3000 grit). The choice of grit depends on the specific task, with coarser grits used for material removal and finer grits for polishing.

Q: Do I need to use water or lubricant with a diamond hand pad?

Yes, using water or a specific lubricant is often necessary. It helps keep the surface cool, prevents overheating, and improves the effectiveness of the diamond particles in grinding and polishing. Some materials require dry grinding, so it's essential to check the manufacturer's recommendations.

Q: Can I use a diamond hand pad for dry grinding and wet grinding?

The suitability of a diamond hand pad for dry or wet grinding depends on the material and the pad itself. Some diamond hand pads are designed for wet use, while others are suitable for dry grinding. Check the manufacturer's specifications for guidance.

Q: Can diamond hand pads be used on curved or irregular surfaces?

Yes, diamond hand pads are versatile and can be used on flat, curved, or irregular surfaces. Their flexibility allows for contouring and shaping of various workpieces.

Q: Can I achieve a high-polish finish with a diamond hand pad?

Yes, with the right technique and progression through finer grits, you can achieve a high-polish finish on various materials using diamond hand pads. The finest grits are typically used for the polishing stage.

Diamond Abrasive Products
Diamond Abrasive Products
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